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Smiley Face Moon- The Universe is Smiling on us

Category: , By Manu
Have you looked outside today?. I don't know if this is visible all over the world but it sure is over here in India, Australia etc. I have never seen such a thing in my life. Moon, Jupiter and Venus has arranged in such a way that the form a Smiley face that even a naked eye can see and revel in. If you miss it you will have to wait another 5 years to may be see it again. It feels like the universe is smiling down on us. I feel so happy i had to blog this.

Stargazers in Europe and Africa will miss out completely. By the time the sun sets for them the moon will appear between the planets, pushing the "mouth" between the "eyes" to create more of a Picasso-esque effect. And the most funny thing is the moon will be inverted over at the USA resulting in a frown. One can infer that the Universe is not happy with the way they is working.LOL.
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